Jaelynn Wv ("Jay")

2008 15.0 hh Black Polish Arabian Mare
Narnian Wv x Atuan Jacinthe (by Atuan Czcibor)
Genotype: EE | Competing in Dressage | Status (2016): done
Westveil create/homebred
Sold to Evelyn of Sportpferde Vehring on 2015-10-05

jaelynnwv | 0000-00-00

Narnian Wv
2006 15.0 hh Bay Polish Arabian
Wojslaw Tallin
Nostalgia Partner
Atuan Jacinthe
2004 15.0 hh Bay Polish Arabian
Atuan Czcibor Wojslaw
Atuan Jaroslawa Boryslaw



Career Highlights:

Progeny: (Again, as of mid-2016)


All Sim Show Record

AHAC275Legion of Honor (+)
2015 2015 AHAC Quantum August Summer Series II Senior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand CH AHAC 5
2015 AHAC Asil Cup 2015 Classic Head Sr. Mares TT AHAC 9
2014 BT Doskonaly Arabian Cup Classic Head Jr. Mares TT AHAC 2
2014 Brazilian Nationals Six Year Old Mares TT AHAC 8
2014 Egypt International Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse TT AHAC 9
2014 Egypt International Six Year Old Mares TT AHAC 9
2014 Dutch National Championships Most Classic Jr. Mare TT AHAC 8
2014 BT Spadek Dzien Arabski Puchar Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse TT AHAC 2
2014 BT Spadek Dzien Arabski Puchar Junior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand TT AHAC 2
2014 Wrong Way Jamboree Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse TT AHAC 2
2014 Pride of Poland Second Level Dressage TT AHAC 8
2014 Middle Easter Championships Sporthorse Under Saddle Jr. Horse TT AHAC 8
2014 Middle Easter Championships Junior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand TT AHAC 8
2014 Moroccan National Championships Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse CH AHAC 12
2014 Merrist Wood Reserve Champion Junior Mare TT AHAC 10
2014 Merrist Wood Sporthorse Under Saddle Jr. Horse TT AHAC 8
2014 Merrist Wood Six Year Old Mares CH AHAC 12
2014 Vilhelmsborg Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse TT AHAC 9
2014 Vilhelmsborg Most Classic Jr. Mare TT AHAC 12
2014 SAI Puchar Niepodleglosci Second Level Dressage TT AHAC 2
2014 WWS Warsaw Arabian Classic Sporthorse Under Saddle Jr. Horse TT AHAC 2
2014 WWS Warsaw Arabian Classic Junior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand CH AHAC 5
2014 WWS Random Cup Freestyle Dressage Jr. Horses TT AHAC 2
2014 WWS Random Cup Second Level Dressage TT AHAC 2
2014 Jordan National Championships Junior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand TT AHAC 8
2014 WWS Radom Cup Freestyle Dressage Jr. Horses TT AHAC 2
2014 WWS Radom Cup Second Level Dressage TT AHAC 2
2014 WWS Warsaw Arabian Classic Sporthorse Under Saddle Jr. Horse TT AHAC 2
2014 WWS Warsaw Arabian Classic Junior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand CH AHAC 5
2014 Jordan National Championship Junior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand TT AHAC 8
2014 Cairo International Second Level Dressage TT AHAC 12
2014 Cairo International Liberty Jr. Mares TT AHAC 9
2014 Orientalica Freestyle Dressage Jr. Horses TT AHAC 9
2014 Orientalica Liberty Jr. Mares TT AHAC 9
2014 Buckeye Sweepstakes Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse TT AHAC 5
2014 Arabica Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse CH AHAC 15
2014 SAI Mothers Day Classic Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse TT AHAC 1
2014 Arabesque International Festival Sporthorse Under Saddle Jr. Horse TT AHAC 7
2014 Travagliato Sporthorse Show Hack Jr. Horse TT AHAC 7
2014 Travagliato Junior Sporthorse Mares In-Hand TT AHAC 7
2014 Janow Podlaski Arabian Cup Freestyle Dressage Jr. Horses TT AHAC 5
2014 Janow Podlaski Arabian Cup Second Level Dressage CH AHAC 6

Oldest Show Date: 2014-05-07