U Fluffig ("Fluffy")

2010 15.3 hh Black Morab Gelding
U FortyTwo x SO Andalib (by Aziza Al Dunn)
Genotype: Ee | Competing in Eventing | Status (2016): Competitor
bred by Thestral of Utsikten and sold to Westveil on 2015-12-18

ufluffig | 2015-12-18

U FortyTwo
2003 1.60m Black Morgan
Caduceus Denver Wyoming Flyhawk
Topside Sable
Caduceus Sonata Justin Knox
Caduceus Exira
SO Andalib
1996 1.50m Black Egyptian Arabian
Aziza Al Dunn Shah Zoom
Aziza Iesha
Faa Mahajja Dhar Faa Halim
BV Marhaba

Buybacks: Buybacks to Thestral will be honoured.


Career Highlights:

Progeny: (Again, as of mid-2016)


All Sim Show Record


Oldest Show Date: 2025-03-11