Results for GCh. ML Caspian

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Please note that the association points & titles table is based on all available points offered at each show in the database and may not be completely applicable to the individual horse. We don't actually have these horses in the database, only names. We don't know! Owners, use your judgement.

Horses Forever460n/a | $300,000
AJC: HF Arabian Jockey Club33n/a
HFAHA: HF Arabian Horse Association33n/a
Race Record (Flat, Harness or Steeplechase)
4:0-2-1-0-0 | $300,000300 HF Points (65% of total) 0% wins | 75% top 3 | 75% top 5

2020-06-13 June AJC Racemeet a. Racing Male Champion and Reserve RCH 40 HFAHA=3, AJC=3
2020-06-13 June AJC Racemeet 2. Four Year Old Stallion/Gelding CH 50 HFAHA=5, AJC=5
2020-05-23 May AJC Racemeet 25. New Harvest Deciannual Championship G1: 1.5 miles over dirt for 4 yr olds and up Open. Purse: $500,000 7 40 HFAHA=1, AJC=1
2020-03-14 March AJC Racemeet 26. Bob Magness Derby G1: 1.25 miles over dirt for 4 yr old only! Colt/Stallion/Geldings. Purse: $500,000 *3rd Leg of the Triple Crown!* 2 90 $150,000 HFAHA=8, AJC=8
2020-02-15 February AJC Racemeet 26. Texas Six Shooter G1: 7 furlongs over dirt for 4 yr old only! Colt/Stallion/Geldings. Purse: $500,000 *2nd Leg of the Triple Crown!* 3 80 HFAHA=5, AJC=5
2020-02-15 February AJC Racemeet 2. Four Year Old Stallion/Gelding TT 30 HFAHA=1, AJC=1
2020-01-18 January AJC Racemeet 26. Drinkers of the Wind G1: 7 furlongs over dirt for 4 yr old only! Colt/Stallion/Geldings. Purse: $500,000 *1st Leg of the Triple Crown!* 2 90 $150,000 HFAHA=8, AJC=8
2020-01-18 January AJC Racemeet 2. Four Year Old Stallion/Gelding RCH 40 HFAHA=2, AJC=2