Results for GCh.MYS Sharzera

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Please note that the association points & titles table is based on all available points offered at each show in the database and may not be completely applicable to the individual horse. We don't actually have these horses in the database, only names. We don't know! Owners, use your judgement.

Horses Forever419n/a | $363,500
TBHA: HF Thoroughbred Horse Association112n/a
Race Record (Flat, Harness or Steeplechase)
8:0-3-0-1-1 | $363,500419 HF Points (100% of total) 0% wins | 38% top 3 | 63% top 5

2020-10-18 HFTRA October International Turbulence T Stakes Gr. 1 *Breeders Cup Mile Qualifier*: 1600 meters over dirt for 3 yr olds and up. Purse: 550,000 7 40 TBHA=16
2020-09-25 HFTRA September International KC Samstag Stakes: *Breeders Cup Dirt Mile Qualifier*: 1600 meters over dirt for 3 yr olds and up. Purse: 400,000 2 90 $88,000 TBHA=18
2020-08-28 HFTRA August International Gran Premio de Honor-Copa Julio y Carlos Menditeguy Gr.1: 2000 meters over dirt for 3 yr olds and up. Purse: 500,000 4 70 $65,000 TBHA=14
2020-07-04 HFTRA June International Sha Tin Hoi Handicap: 1200m over an all weather track for 4 yr olds and up. Purse: $ 1,500,000 7 40 TBHA=16
2020-06-21 HFTRA June Smile Sprint Handicap Gr. 2 (Twinspires Sprint Qualifier): 6 furlongs over dirt for 3 yr olds and up. Purse: $350,000 5 60 $24,500 TBHA=24
2020-05-07 HFTRA May Raceday # 1 Churchill Downs Stakes Gr. 2: 7 furlongs over dirt for 4 yr olds and up: Purse: $600000 2 90 $120,000 TBHA=18
2020-01-25 HFTRA January Sunshine Millions Distaff: 7 furlongs over dirt for 4 yr olds and up fillies/mares. Purse $300,000 2 9 $66,000
2020-01-15 HFTRA January International Gran Premio Estimulo: 1400 meters on dirt for 3 yr olds and up fillies/mares. Purse: 400,000 8 20 TBHA=6