Results for Kaiden BWF

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Please note that the association points & titles table is based on all available points offered at each show in the database and may not be completely applicable to the individual horse. We don't actually have these horses in the database, only names. We don't know! Owners, use your judgement.

Horses Forever160n/a | $0
GHA: HF Gaited horse Association12n/a
HFAHA: HF Arabian Horse Association11n/a
TBHA: HF Thoroughbred Horse Association33n/a
TGCA: HF Traditional Gypsy Cob Association165n/a

2021-09-25 HF Dressage At Devon 148CH. Barouque Breeds Championship (BHA Sponsored, Do Not Enter) 7 20 HFAHA=1, TBHA=4, GHA=1, TGCA=20
2021-09-25 HF Dressage At Devon 148e. Friesian - (Sponsored by Megan of C&H Ranch) 3 40 HFAHA=3, TBHA=8, GHA=3, TGCA=40
2021-09-25 HF Dressage At Devon 120. Grand Championship 8 10 HFAHA=1, TBHA=3, GHA=1, TGCA=15
2021-09-25 HF Dressage At Devon 119. Mature Horse Championship 2 45 HFAHA=4, TBHA=9, GHA=4, TGCA=45
2021-09-25 HF Dressage At Devon 118. Stallion Championship 6 25 HFAHA=1, TBHA=5, GHA=2, TGCA=25
2021-09-25 HF Dressage At Devon 116. Four Year Old and Older Stallions 7 20 HFAHA=1, TBHA=4, GHA=1, TGCA=20