Results for MI Fionnuala

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Please note that the association points & titles table is based on all available points offered at each show in the database and may not be completely applicable to the individual horse. We don't actually have these horses in the database, only names. We don't know! Owners, use your judgement.

Horses Forever80n/a | $0
BHA: HF Baroque Horse Association8n/a
GHA: HF Gaited horse Association16n/a
HFAHA: HF Arabian Horse Association1n/a
HFPA: HF Pony Association5n/a
MHA: HF Morgan Horse Association8n/a
TBHA: HF Thoroughbred Horse Association8n/a
WBA: HF Warmblood Association12n/a

2024-12-03 HFHA Annual Championship 10. Hunter Breeding Two Year Old Fillies 3 80 HFAHA=1, WBA=12, TBHA=8, MHA=8, GHA=16, BHA=8, HFPA=5