Results for Risinghoenix My Rascal

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Please note that the association points & titles table is based on all available points offered at each show in the database and may not be completely applicable to the individual horse. We don't actually have these horses in the database, only names. We don't know! Owners, use your judgement.

Horses Forever250n/a | $0

2023-07-31 Eagle Talon Manor's July Rare Breed Exhibition 467. Unlisted Draft Breed In Hand RCH 40
2023-06-30 Eagle Talon Manor's June Rare Breed Exhibition 467. Unlisted Draft Breed In Hand RCH 40
2023-05-30 Eagle Talon Manor's May Rare Breed Exhibition 467. Unlisted Draft Breed In Hand CH 50
2023-04-27 Eagle Talon Manor's April Rare Breed Exhibition 467. Unlisted Draft Breed In Hand TT 30
2023-03-31 Eagle Talon Manors March Rare Breed Exhibition 467. Unlisted Draft Breed In Hand RCH 40
2023-02-26 Eagle Talon Manor's February Rare Breed Exhibition 467. Unlisted Draft Breed In Hand CH 50