Results for Stanchion FF

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Please note that the association points & titles table is based on all available points offered at each show in the database and may not be completely applicable to the individual horse. We don't actually have these horses in the database, only names. We don't know! Owners, use your judgement.

Horses Forever1,600Grand Champion (GCh) | $47,000
AJC: HF Arabian Jockey Club10n/a
GHA: HF Gaited horse Association62n/a
HFAHA: HF Arabian Horse Association95n/a
TBHA: HF Thoroughbred Horse Association62n/a
Endurance Record
10:0-0-3-2-1 | $19,000500 HF Points (31% of total) 0% wins | 30% top 3 | 60% top 5
50 Total Miles2 "Best Conditioned" awards

2022-01-16 HFERA January 4. 50 Mile Fire Mountain Trail 6 40 HFAHA=1
2022-01-16 HFERA January Gaited Breed Stallions and Geldings RCH 40 HFAHA=3
2020-10-19 ET's October Endurance Meet 3. 10 Mile Limited Distance Test 5YO and Up 6 40 Miles:10
2020-10-19 ET's October Endurance Meet 3. 10 Mile Limited Distance Test 5YO and Up BEST CONDITIONED CH 100 $10,000 HFAHA=10
2020-10-19 ET's October Endurance Meet 16. Gaited Breed Stallions RCH 40 HFAHA=3
2020-10-19 ET's October Endurance Meet 4. Endurance Stallions 2015-2013 TT 30 HFAHA=1
2020-09-21 ET's September Endurance Meet 3. 10 Mile Limited Distance Test 5YO and Up (6 Entries) 3 70 Miles:10 $5,000 HFAHA=4
2020-09-21 ET's September Endurance Meet 16. Gaited Breed Stallions CH 50 HFAHA=5
2020-09-21 ET's September Endurance Meet 4. Endurance Stallions 2015-2013 TT 30 HFAHA=1
2020-08-20 ET's August Endurance Meet 3. 10 Mile Limited Distance Test 5YO and Up (6 Entries) 4 60 Miles:10 $3,000 HFAHA=2
2020-08-20 ET's August Endurance Meet 16. Gaited Breed Stallions CH 50 HFAHA=5
2020-08-20 ET's August Endurance Meet 4. Endurance Stallions 2015-2013 TT 30 HFAHA=1
2020-07-09 ET's July Endurance Meet 3. 10 Mile Limited Distance Test 5YO and Up (6 Entries) 3 70 Miles:10 $5,000 HFAHA=4, AJC=4
2020-07-09 ET's July Endurance Meet 16. Gaited Breed Stallions CH 50 HFAHA=5, AJC=5
2020-07-09 ET's July Endurance Meet 4. Endurance Stallions 2015-2013 TT 30 HFAHA=1, AJC=1
2020-06-22 ET's June Endurance Meet 3. 10 Mile Limited Distance Test 5YO and Up (6 Entries) 3 70 Miles:10 $5,000 HFAHA=4
2020-06-22 ET's June Endurance Meet 16. Gaited Breed Stallions RCH 40 HFAHA=3
2020-06-22 ET's June Endurance Meet 4. Endurance Stallions 2015-2013 TT 30 HFAHA=2
2020-06-20 HFERA June 11. Gaited Breed Stallions and Geldings RCH 40 HFAHA=3, TBHA=3, GHA=3
2020-06-20 HFERA June 3. Endurance Stallions/Geldings 4-6 Years Old TT 30 HFAHA=1, TBHA=1, GHA=1
2020-05-25 ET's May Endurance Meet 3. 10 Mile Limited Distance Test 5YO and Up (6 Entries) 5 50
2020-05-25 ET's May Endurance Meet 16. Gaited Breed Stallions RCH 40 HFAHA=3
2020-05-25 ET's May Endurance Meet 4. Endurance Stallions 2015-2013 TT 30 HFAHA=1
2020-05-15 HFERA May 1. 25 Mile Descanso Ride Limited Distance 7 30 HFAHA=1, TBHA=6, GHA=6
2020-05-15 HFERA May 11. Gaited Breed Stallions and Geldings RCH 40 $1,500 HFAHA=3, TBHA=3, GHA=3
2020-05-15 HFERA May 3. Endurance Stallions/Geldings 4-6 Years Old TT 30 $500 HFAHA=1, TBHA=1, GHA=1
2020-04-11 HFERA April 1. 25 Mile Antelope Island Limited Distance 10 10 HFAHA=1, TBHA=2, GHA=2
2020-04-11 HFERA April 11. Gaited Breed Stallions and Geldings RCH 40 $1,500 HFAHA=3, TBHA=3, GHA=3
2020-04-11 HFERA April 3. Endurance Stallions/Geldings 4-6 Years Old RCH 40 $1,500 HFAHA=3, TBHA=3, GHA=3
2020-03-14 HFERA March 1. 25 Mile Bar H Elevator Ride Limited Distance 4 60 $1,000 HFAHA=2, TBHA=12, GHA=12
2020-03-14 HFERA March 11. Gaited Breed Stallions and Geldings TT 30 HFAHA=1, TBHA=1, GHA=1
2020-03-14 HFERA March 3. Endurance Stallions/Geldings 4-6 Years Old TT 30 HFAHA=1, TBHA=1, GHA=1
2020-03-14 HFERA March 1. 25 Mile Bar H Elevator Ride Limited Distance Best Condition CH 100 $10,000 HFAHA=10, TBHA=20, GHA=20
2020-02-08 HFERA February 11. Gaited Breed Stallions and Geldings RCH 40 $1,500 HFAHA=3, TBHA=3, GHA=3
2020-02-08 HFERA February 3. Endurance Stallions/Geldings 4-6 Years Old TT 30 $500 HFAHA=1, TBHA=1, GHA=1
2020-01-25 HFERA January 11. Gaited Breed Stallions and Geldings TT 30 $500 HFAHA=1, TBHA=1, GHA=1
2020-01-25 HFERA January 3. Endurance Stallions/Geldings 4-6 Years Old TT 30 $500 HFAHA=1, TBHA=1, GHA=1