Results for WT Mega Spirit

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Please note that the association points & titles table is based on all available points offered at each show in the database and may not be completely applicable to the individual horse. We don't actually have these horses in the database, only names. We don't know! Owners, use your judgement.

Horses Forever1,069Grand Champion (GCh) | $853,000
AJC: HF Arabian Jockey Club9n/a
HFAHA: HF Arabian Horse Association9n/a
TBHA: HF Thoroughbred Horse Association228Fourth Level District Champions ()
Race Record (Flat, Harness or Steeplechase)
12:5-6-1-0-0 | $853,0001,039 HF Points (97% of total) 42% wins | 100% top 3 | 100% top 5

2020-10-03 HFTRA October Turnback the Alarm Stakes Gr. 3: 1 1/16 mi over dirt for 3 yr olds and up fillies and mares only!. Purse: 200,000 1 100 $108,000 TBHA=40
2020-09-10 HFTRA September Seattle Slew Stakes- 1 1/16 over dirt for 4 yr olds and up. Purse: 250,000 2 90 $55,000 TBHA=18
2020-08-20 HFTRA August Shuvee Handicap Gr. 3: 1 1/8 mi over dirt for 3 yr olds and up. Purse: 250,000 3 80 $30,000 TBHA=16
2020-07-20 HFTRA July Prairie Meadows Cornhusker Handicap Gr. 3: 1 1/8th mi over dirt for 3 yr olds and up. Purse: $ 350,000 1 100 $189,000 TBHA=20
2020-07-04 HFTRA June International A.T.C. Sydney Trophy: 1200m over dirt for 4 yr olds and up. Purse: $ 250,000 1 100 $135,000 TBHA=40
2020-05-17 HFTRA May # 2 Skipat Stakes: 6 furlongs over dirt for 3 yr olds and up. Purse: $200000 2 90 $44,000 TBHA=18
2020-05-07 HFTRA May Raceday # 1 Diablo Stakes: 6 furlongs over dirt for 4 yr olds and up. Purse: $300000 1 100 $162,000 TBHA=20
2020-04-24 C&H Funtime Open Raceday 12. Rhode Island Red Distaff G3: 7 furlongs over dirt for 3 yr olds and up Filly/Mares. Purse: $100,000 2 90 $30,000 HFAHA=8, AJC=8
2020-04-24 C&H Funtime Open Raceday 12. Four and Up Year Old TRA/SCA Mare TT 30 HFAHA=1, AJC=1
2020-03-24 HFTRA March Allowance: 7 furlongs over dirt for 3 yr olds and up Fillies and Mares. Purse: $100000 1 100 $56,000 TBHA=20
2020-03-06 C&H Birthday Thoroughbred Raceday 7. Polar Cup G3: 6 furlongs over dirt for 3 year olds and up. Purse: $167,461 2 90 TBHA=18
2020-02-29 HFTRA February International Unibet Cleves Listed Stakes: 6 furlongs over a synthetic track for 4 yr olds and up. Purse $170,000 2 90 TBHA=18
2020-01-15 HFTRA January International Whimsical Stakes: 6 furlongs on an all weather surface for 4 yr olds and up. fillies/mares only!. Purse: 200,000 2 9 $44,000