Horse Personality Randomizer

Back by popular demand, this is a php codified version of the old personality randomizer for HARP (Horse Art RP Game on Deviantart.) Credit for the original work done on the randomized pieces goes to the original HPR creators Hathien603, BaliroAdmin, and BVicius. If you don't like the result you get, simply refresh the page and a new set of personality traits will be generated.

Base Personality Type
Inspire-r: I am a leader, and if you don't take care to latch the gate you'll find me leading your herd down the road on an adventure. I'm also likely to cause a strike for oats over corn.

- Do not like women
- Stands nicely while you mount

Worst Fear/Spook
Corners of arenas

Herd Mentality
I don't play, I don't goof - I'm very serious about eating my grass in peace.

Horse vs. Owner/Handler/Rider
Great to lead

Favourite Treat

If I could talk, my favorite saying would be...
"I swear there was a monster in there!"

A quote that somehow suits me
"Love at first sight is possible, but it pays to take a second look." Author Unknown