Horse Personality Randomizer
Back by popular demand, this is a php codified version of the old personality randomizer for HARP (Horse Art RP Game on Deviantart.) Credit for the original
work done on the randomized pieces goes to the original HPR creators Hathien603, BaliroAdmin, and BVicius. If you don't like the result you get, simply refresh the page and a
new set of personality traits will be generated.
Base Personality TypeNurturer: I am a truly warm and kind-hearted individual, and want to believe the best of others. I value harmony and cooperation, and am likely to be very sensitive to other herd/paddock members feelings.
Quirks- Switches/wrings tail a lot when being ridden
- Best friend with the barn cats
Worst Fear/SpookCrops, don't use one on me or I'll go haywire!
Herd MentalityThe protective mom/dad, always looking out for any foal or younger herd member to take under her/his wings
Horse vs. Owner/Handler/RiderThis horse is not a fan of the two legged ones.
Favourite TreatPeppermint
If I could talk, my favorite saying would be..."What a wonderful world... I couldn't possible work, way to busy writing poems and dreaming"
A quote that somehow suits me"They say princes learn no art truly but the art of horsemanship. The reason is the brave beast is no flatterer. He will throw a prince as soon as his groom." Ben Jonson