HF Results Collector

This results collector was written to work best with results generated using our randomizer, but it should work with most show results currently being produced in HF. Pay close attention to the format details for best results! Don't worry, the form can remember your selections to save time when collecting multiple shows or horses.

Potential Horse Name Issues: If your horse's name contains a hyphen without spaces around it (eg. Tex-Mex) this will only be a problem if there are other hyphens or alternate owner delineators in the result line that are not spaced (eg. Tex-Mex-Owner, Tex-Mex:Owner) and you are not looking for that horse's name specifically ("Tex-Mex" is not your "Look For" value.) If your horse's name has a spaced hyphen in it (eg. Tex - Mex) it will get cut off.

If your horse's name has a PREFIX that matches a common place marker (eg. RCH Horse Name) the prefix will get cut off.

The contents of parentheses are ignored! The only exception that is hard-coded into this collector that allows for the contents of parentheses to be attached to a horse name is the old (WAS) prefix on some active horses.

Multiple Horses Note: Due to the many different ways sire/dam/breeder's group and pairs/teams classes are entered, it's just not worth it to code ways for this collector to catch and process those. If you are collecting your whole herd rather than a specific horse, it may be worth while to pre-edit the results to make this collector work for you. Duplicate the affected classes so that you can have only the 1st horse in the results of the first copy, only the 2nd horses in the second, etc. You can leave lines you won't be collecting unedited to save time if you wish.

Best Condition Note: This tool does not recognize the "Best Condition" line as being different from simply the champion or 1st place winner of a class. To ignore best condition and collect it on your own, delete the best condition lines entirely and do not leave a gap between the race name and the winning horse. To have this tool collect best conditioned, make a separate race denoted "Race Name - Best Condition" (or whatever you want) and move the winning horse there with nothing before the horse name. This will then be treated like Ch in a Ch/RCh/TT format class, and you can use this to your advantage by assigning points and winnings for BC to CH.

TT/Participation Only Note: This tool will assume that the first valid horse is Ch/1 and the second horse is RCh/2. Add in dummy lines (eg. "none - none") to make these classes work.

Show Name: Date: Look For: Placings:
Put the horse name, owner tag, etc. you want the collector to look for in the "look for" box.

HF Points - CH RCH TT
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th+

List associations the way you wish to see them in your collected results (full name, abbreviation, etc.) with commas in between.
Association Points: - CH RCH TT
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th+
As above, list the points to collect for each association, in the same order, separated by commas.
Example - Assocaitions = HFAHA,WBA. CH = 5,15 for HFAHA Ch = 5, WBA Ch = 15.

Winnings: - CH $ RCH $ TT $
1st $ 2nd $ 3rd $ 4th $ 5th $ 6th $ 7th $ 8th $ 9th $ 10th $ 11th+ $
If every class has the same winnings, save time by inputting those winnings above! Number only, no $ £ etc.

Special Considerations...
Trim the (# entries) bit off the class name, please!

Are there scores and/or winnings to collect on the end of results lines?
Winnings look like: (Can be $ £ or €)

Which is the closest match to this show's entry format? (Any delineator works, not just -)

Desired collected results order...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9.

Copy & paste the show results below...
This can handle BBCode, so feel free to quote results posts for a quick grab! Just trim off everything above the first class.

You will receive your results with "|" delineators as these are rarely present in class and horse names. To quickly manipulate your results, copy & paste into a text editor and use your search & replace function to replace | with whatever you want. For quick copying to a spreadsheet, replace | with a tab space to mark a column break. You should then be able to select all, copy, put your cursor in the top-left cel you want to start in on your spreadsheet, and paste.